The rare natural ingredients found in isolated areas of the world have been found by many to be very effective in eliminating the Covid Virus as well as almost all fungus types. These herbs include the amazing Chilcoatl, Heliopsis-Longpipes, Neem, and Sage which are combined in a bi-distilled water solution.Take a closer look at the power of these individually. Let's start with Coatl, an herb which has been used for centuries in Mexico and Central America, yet virtually unheard of in the rest of the world. Another product used extensively for centuries is Neem. Recent clinical tests found that it is extremely effective in dealing with the Covid-19 virus. Sage is yet another used for centuries in other parts of the world and recently the National Instuttes of Health conducted clinical tests to see where it performed the best in a variety of health related conditions.
Clinical Testing of Chilcoatl at NIH and NCBI
Clinical Study of Neem and its effectiveness against Covid-19 NIH Pub.Med