The evening before going to bed is the best time to apply creams to the face for the specific purpose of a planned long-term battle against degeneration of the skin. The primary reason is that you are most likely winding down from the day and have the additional time to spend with this on a regular basis , plus you will be able to apply treatments without having to worry about how you look. Sleeping with a small amount of cream gives added protection simply because you are able to leave it on for several hours without disturbing the applied mask.
If you see a familiar theme in the ingredients you know we are on to something that must work. In this cream we have brought in the protein peptides, elastin, Hydroxl, and the botanical extracts of Calendula. Customers who have used it come back for more and have called it a break-through anti-aging miracle. The most imporant result of using this cream is that it rebuilds the colagen matrix which is a major factor in redefining the aging process.