With the botanical name of Casimiroa Edulis, this is a natural sedative, pain reliever, and provides a soothing relaxed effect. It is also used to heal open sores and wounds. It is consumed to reduce rheumatic pain. Decoctions made with the leaves and seeds are taken to treat high blood pressure, anxiety, insomnia and cramps. The leaves, bark and seeds have a sedative and slightly narcotic (hypnotic) action. They possess anti-spastic and anticonvulsant activities. The leaves have an anti-inflammatory action and are used to make anti-diarrhea teas. Externally, the leaves are applied to bruises and wounds, due to its anti-inflammatory activity. Also, the decoction of the stems and leaves is used externally as a genital bath for women who have recently had a baby. The external application of the powder obtained from the ground seeds is used to treat ulcers and skin infections. Zapote has also been used by doctors in Latin America to treal gall bladder conditions.